Medicare Planning

Navigating Medicare: A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding Medicare can feel daunting — there are a slew of terms to decipher, costs to consider, and a variety of options to evaluate. We are here to assist you in clearing the Medicare maze and set you down the right path.

Medicare Eligibility: Who Qualifies?

U.S. citizens and legal residents
Medicare is available to U.S. citizens and legal residents. Legal residents need to have resided in the U.S. for at least five consecutive years, including the five years immediately preceding the Medicare application.

You must also meet one of the following requirements:

• You are 65 years or older
• You are under 65 but have a qualifying disability
• You have been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease or ALS, regardless of age

Medicare Enrollment Process:

If you are already receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits when you become eligible, you should be automatically enrolled. Your Medicare card will be sent to you in the mail.
For those not receiving benefits, you need to sign up for Medicare when you become eligible. Go to to enroll online, or contact or visit your local Social Security office.

Understanding Medicare Coverage Options:

Original Medicare, encompassing Parts A & B, is administered by the federal government. It assists with hospitalization and doctor visit expenses, but it doesn’t cover all healthcare costs.

Additional coverage can be obtained by opting for one or more private Medicare or Medicare-related plans.

• Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans , also known as Medigap, assist with some of the out-of-pocket expenses that accompany Original Medicare.

• Medicare prescription drug plans (Part D) help cover prescription medication costs, an area not covered by Original Medicare.

• Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) provide an alternative to Original Medicare. These plans merge Part A and Part B coverage into a single plan and often include prescription drug coverage. Some plans even offer additional benefits like routine vision and dental care coverage.


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